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He Lives in You

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

It’s the Circle of life… I am sure you know the movie already

I was watching the Lion king again (I love cartoons), and then it got to the part where the crazy monkey took Simba to the river to see his father(basically how he could face the challenge of Uncle Scar in the pride lands). By the time Simba got to the river he was asked to look into it and then he would see his father, when he looked in the first time, he saw himself, he saw his own reflection instead, he then said there was nothing there but his reflection (he lost all hope, he felt there was no point in all of it); then Rafiki (crazy monkey) then asked him to take a deeper look and when Simba did that he saw his father. While watching that scene play out Men (male and female) flashed into my mind.

You see we (humans/man) tend to forget who we have as a father; we are quick to quote 1st John chapter 4:4, but you belong to God my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people because the spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world. However, do we live in that reality?

When faced with situations and trials we see ourselves, trying to sort it all out, trying to make it work and trying as hard as possible to make it all seem plausible, we go through all sorts of handmade stress and in the end succumb to pain forgetting that the only thing that is capable of showing up when we try to sort it out by ourselves, the only thing we see is our weakness, all these happen only because we merely memorize and recite the letters in the scriptures but do not believe nor live in and by the scripture itself; now rather than seeing the one who can help us through the challenges each time we try to face life on our own, all by our might and strength all we would see is ourselves, our pain, we see the disappointment, we begin to feel weak even though we fight to not fall into the space of weakness.

When we are faced with the situations of life, and we take a deep look into ourselves we get to see that we are not alone, you might be feeling scared, afraid, disturbed and having all sorts of mixed emotions but I am writing to tell you that it happens. Why? well because it is the world. At certain points in the life of over 7 billion people on earth, there has been a repetitive occurrence of such mixed feelings and emotions, we have all felt that way (child, adult, parents, grandparents) we have all felt depressed, sad, pressurized and desirous and this should not make you feel weird, for the world has managed to create a form and nature of pressure for us all. Amidst all of these, I want to remind you that you are made by God and he said in his word in 2nd Timothy 1:7 that he has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power and of love, and of a sound mind. You should not let the pressure get to you, do not succumb to the feeling of fear. Live in the reality of the spirit which has been given to you, hold on to his word and fight fear. The world would still be the world throwing pressures and tantrums but you can and have overcome it with God who lives inside of you.

There is one who lives in us, the one who no power can contend with, we have God, we have strength, we have the comforter and as Christians, as believers, as one who is surrendered to God, we are not alone because of a truth he lives in us, the father lives in us, Elohim lives in us, the Holy Spirit lives in us, we are made from God when the Lord said in Genesis chapter 1:26 let us make man in our image, he didn’t say it for the sake of speech, or as a metaphorical statement but that of a truth we are of him and from him, so originally we are made in Gods own image and the holy spirit still resides in us, oh we are greatly advantaged so the devil cannot come at us with the pains, depression of this world, we drown in pain because we try to figure everything out by our selves, we succumb to defeat because we are not equipped by the one who helps us win the battle, we struggle because we do not abide. As we study and pray the word we are daily equipped, we are daily clothed with the armour of God, we walk in our true image by knowing he that made us, by staying with him, by listening to him and walking with him. That we walk in our dominion mandate entails being intentional in fellowship and staying conscious of such. Think and live as one who has been made in the image of the father. Never forget that HE LIVES IN YOU.

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Life with Nike is your go-to for guidance and lifestyle tips. I understand that life can be complicated and overwhelming and strive to help bring peace and balance to your everyday. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and knowledge to deepen their walk with God, increase their self-awareness, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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