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2021 (Surrendered)

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

My final post for the year (mini me in my head is shouting Nike Nike), it has been a long beautiful dramatic year however, before I go deep into today’s post, I would love to say a very big thank you, without you, my lovely readers, Life with Nike (LWN) would not be in existence and of course trust me to give credit to God because he made this happen in the first place. Thank you for following through on every blog post, sharing and leaving beautiful reviews. Today’s post which got its title in the middle of the write-up; is like a brief summary of 2021 and how I ended it amidst all of life’s drama.

2021, was a year where I made really large decisions, decisions I never thought I would make this year. The first quarter of the year 2021 which ranges from January to march was pretty calm, nothing out of the ordinary, just school, added another year, looked towards graduating and breathing hence nothing deep out of the usual.

The second quarter of the year which ranges from April to June was on its own cruise; the month of May was pretty tough on me, I was down for a very long period of time, basically the whole month of May extending into June, it felt like I was going to lose it, this sort of affected my classes because I got out of class for like a month or so, I got better sometime in June and was trying to pick up from where I left it in the first part of May, that was a real struggle; I could barely find my bearing but thank God for the gift of beautiful friends and family.

I began to find my feet bit by bit, still struggling and voila, the first month in the third quarter of the year which is July came at me gbas gbos… that was the month of my finals and that was the month my enemies thought they would catch me. The period of my final exams was a trying time, it was depressing at a point, I was out of class for like a month and some days just for me to get back to class and also leave for the same reason, only that this was my exam week. At this stage I could not even help myself anymore I just surrendered, tried reading and gave it to Jesus because what else could I do, I was scared that all my hard work for 5years was going to end because of one semester of illness, I could not even explain how I could not remember anything. It was so scary that immediately after my final paper I ran home and did not even wait to have the last days of University feeling ( I graduated though).

The remaining part of the third quarter had its own pain. Do you ever plan a thing in your mind, give it a very beautiful story with a lovely conclusion only to execute the plan and it all goes sideways, meaning it goes totally different from what you envisioned; yes, that was the way the remaining part of my third quarter went, it would be safe to say “some parts” because I also had really calm moments in the third quarter; but oh well, the third quarter had its own perks and at that moment I started learning surrender. As one who can be very calculative about life I had to surrender, I had to let God because 2021 was not all I wanted. In the midst of all I began to count my blessings and name them one by one and in doing that I began to see the help and hand of God in the most little yet massive ways, I went on my journey of surrender which then brought me to the journey of the fourth quarter which ranges from October to December.

This was the period where I became intentional, I moved in ways I never knew I could, stretched beyond my comfort zone and got determined to achieve and discover. This fourth quarter did not only stretch me or move me, it also showed me who I was and opened me to myself. This fourth quarter, I became intentional in making decisions in accordance with all that pertains to life; by words and actions I lived intentionally and I realized that surrendering to God was the best decision I had made. In my previous post, I wrote about my NYSC experience; I was very intentional with the decisions I made at the NYSC camp, for they opened me to me, to capacity. This last quarter I became flexible and open to change and this made me less expectant but yet very much expectant. As one who is a “people person” but yet not a “people person”, I got to mix with others who showed me the beauty of life.

In this last quarter, I did not get all I wanted, in fact, there were things I desired and looked forward to having but life sort of have its way of changing plans and you know its life, it just has to be life, for that’s part of the perks that comes with the nature of life. However, regardless of all these thrown to us by life, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8: 37) but we can only see this when we surrender to God and also live an intentional life.

Did I get all my heart desires for 2021? No, I had a pretty dramatic year. However, I got more than my plans; I got clarity, I got determination, I got understanding and I got zeal alongside others. This year I understood Grace and the unrelenting, unending love of God. I started this blog this year 2021, this is something that has been placed on my heart for a while but I kept stalling, waiting for the perfect time, the perfect atmosphere, the perfect surroundings and the environment. However, I realized that there was no perfect time for this, no better environment as to the right season, all it takes is obedience and surrender. I am very particular on the issue of surrender because only when you surrender and let God lead and direct you, would you see your true capacity and gain clarity alongside guidance. Looking back, counting my blessings and naming them one by one, I have seen that despite the hurdles and pain that came with 2021, the disappointments and the distress, I have been greatly helped by God. Now I know how to move on to have a better 2022

I was not going to make a 2021 end-of-the-year post. However, this post has an aim one of which is to count your blessing and name them one by one. 2021 was not so much of a bad year, look beyond the dramatic and the flashy and see that this year was actually blessed for you. Also, commit the new year to God and start working towards your goals, you don’t have to wait till the shout of “Happy new year” before taking a step.

2022 is more or less just a change in calendar dates and also the change of times and seasons in the spirit, you don’t have to wait on 2022 before you get surrendered and intentional, you can start today it's not too late, create your year, speak into it and work towards it. Every day with the rising of the sun is another opportunity to do exploits and grow stronger hence it's not too late to get intentional and grow. There is no perfect time than now, to create those plans and begin to work on them, seek God’s face in situations and run with them. Enter 2022 even before the crossover, pray your way into the year and settle it, it’s not too late. The Bible says to write down the vision, and make it plain that he that reads it may run (Habakkuk 2:2). Do this and let God.

Thank you for staying tuned and true, I wish you a Happy New Year in advance.

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Life with Nike is your go-to for guidance and lifestyle tips. I understand that life can be complicated and overwhelming and strive to help bring peace and balance to your everyday. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and knowledge to deepen their walk with God, increase their self-awareness, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

The blog posts, podcasts, and social media content all focus on providing quality, actionable advice that will leave you feeling empowered, confident and more aware of your identity in Christ. Come join us on the journey to a happier, healthier life.


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