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Updated: Mar 4, 2023

The Onion is a very interesting kind of vegetable, my baby sister will call it a fruit. It has different kinds and types; some are purple, some are white and even brown but they both have the same functions and effects.

In the wonder of its nature it has different layers; to get to the main onion there are layers to be peeled off, one part of which is a particle another is a whole layer itself (this is peeled off by lazy onion folks like me)either way, there is a peeling which took place. In the peeling, a wonder is said to occur, that is the teary effect woosh… the worst part of the peeling, cutting, and unravelling is the teary effect. Do you think you can control the amount of water that falls from your eyes? Try onions and you will look like one who just suffered from a severe beating or eye blow. The level of tears that falls from one's eyes when one tries to relate or converse with the onion is both intentional and unintentional, majorly uncontrollable but then that is why it’s the onion and the most beautiful part of the onion is that irrespective of the tears and pain it caused, it cannot be ignored in a meal, the presence of an onion is always largely felt and cannot be hidden, even though some detest the sight of onions in their meal, it doesn’t stop the onion of being of great effect and use, an onion will remain an onion and such is life.

Life is like an onion. It has many parts, and many layers and needs some sort of unravelling mechanism to get to its main meal, that is its end. Life has layers and each layer has its own representation; life has the good and the ugly, just like an onion whose first part is sometimes free of the teary level and as one goes deeper, it brings discomfort, restlessness and pain; life shares the same fate. Life could have a beginning whereby it seems as though everything is all smooth and cosy, man has no worries and man is living the lavidaloca life, it could also be as though one world seems to be crumbling down and all the ills of the world are upon such person and that moment one wants to abandon the whole journey and just give up.

Life throws its best both in the good and the bad, depending on the point one is at and its season. However, regardless of what it throws, it will remain life… although the onions cause a teary experience as one tries to unravel them, that does not stop it from being an onion, and that does not stop it from being functional, same applies to life. Yes, life could be full of many downs, but that doesn’t stop it from being full of ups. Life is full of ups and downs, that is its design so don’t give up instead fight and stand up strong, go through life with hope and faith that it's going to be okay…that is hard for you to hold on to? So I have a question to ask those who eat onions in their food. How did you discover that onions were good for you? The majority will say that they grew up with it, found it in their food and thought it was good for consumption and kept up with the tradition but isn't that faith and hope? Did you not just believe that it was good and kept up with it?

Give life a chance.. keep unfolding, knowing that there are days that it might be without pain and there are days it will be with pain, either way, you will stand strong and go on because you know that there is more to see and unravel and regardless of the result, you will stand tall.

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