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He is “HERE” just as he will be “THERE”

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

Upon whom do you stand? Who do you trust, who is your anchor? I was listening to Pastor Mike Todd new series song “Here is Holy” and this came to me.

Life is very challenging, it throws us a lot of darts, and we feel discouraged and downcast, pained and lost; the challenges of life throw a lot to us that we begin to lose our faith, we begin to question our walk, we begin to ask questions on if all you lived by were ever true.

The challenges of life give way to doubt, making us feel like we were never good enough from the start and we can never be good enough. The challenges of life make you question if truly you were called by GOD or even separated for his good works, you begin to wonder if you were ever called in the first instance. It makes you ask questions like “does God even love me”, or say things like “why was I even created, I could have just stayed as a tree or something else” and many more sad thoughts…

When talking about the challenges/darts of life I mean everything we encounter in life, I mean every step of pain, it could be the loosing of a loved one, it could be the fall to the desires of the flesh, it could be the sense of loneliness, it could be the feeling of disappointment, it could be that what you desired was not that which you received, it could be anything, anything that makes you feel less breaks your heart, leaves you depressed, touches your faith and emotions, affects your mental health, I call that a challenge of life.

These challenges or will I call them fiery darts thrown at us by life, could take you into a space whereby you feel the best answer to your problems is to end life, to end the current situation or to leave the place you call “here” (your current pain and struggle) to the place you call “there” (the mental safe space we created, where we think all our problems of “here” will no longer be in existence). However, the truth is problems here if unattended to, will also be taken over to “there”.

You are not to postpone the pains of “here” no matter how it hurts. Jesus does not want you to postpone the pains of “here” to “THERE”, he wants you to attend to it now, stop denying yourself of freedom, and fight it now, you might say “oh I am just going to ignore it and move ahead. Along the line it’s just going to sink”, don’t do that, fight it now; many of us have ignored the “here” so much that we’ve missed the training that comes with being “here”, I know you are hurting however, sort it out here, don’t ignore it you are just going to take it over “there” and there still becomes “here”.

Is there a weight pulling you away from God, run to the secret place and talk to him about it; go and be vulnerable before God, drop the big man/woman/boy/girl attitude and go before him acknowledging the fact that you can feel every ounce of it, he is not just your God, he’s your father and he wants you to come as you are, he isn’t asking you to come perfect, he’s asking that you come as you are, he wants to see you for who you are (the you that you registered your mind to be) and make you into the most beautiful version of yourself. In the presence of God, you don’t have to stay composed or check your hair or nails or hold back your feelings; in his presence feel everything and pour it all out before him.

You are “here” now to take charge of the situations, reclaim your dominion authority and command it all to bow, all situations, all troubles, all pain, all distress, all of it; command them in the name of Jesus to fall and bow. Jesus came to save you, not just from sin, but also from the chains holding you down, the chains of depression, from the chains of inferiority complex, the chains of low self-esteem, from disappointments, from addictions, from abuse, the chains holding your mind bound, from darkness, from self-destruction, from all the things that held you bound, and whatever is holding you bound now (here), oh he came to save you from shame.

You might hate it “HERE” (your current situation or place in life), but he wants you to see here” beyond its present darts, beyond your current circumstances, beyond your struggles, beyond your pain, beyond your addictions and he wants you to love It here because HERE IS HOLY and you are loved “here”, not just by me, but ultimately by the Lord and he wants you to come to him in this current position of “HERE”, here is a phase, it won’t last forever. He says right “here” come as you are, come and talk to him “here” for he is here; just as Jesus was in the boat with the disciples in the midst of the storm, he is here in the midst of all you are feeling, all you have to do is reach out and touch the hem of his garment or call out to him saying Jesus thou son of David have mercy on me, and as he showed them mercy he will do same TO YOU. He is not going to come if you don’t call out to him. Yes, he hears everything and he sees everything but will only help you if you ask for his help.

Just reach out to him. Jesus Changes everything.

When you reach out to him, I want you to stay still, listen to his voice and trust him. Trust that he is “here” with you and that through here he is taking you there, trust his process.

Now when an arrow is shot by the archer, the arrow does not try to navigate its movement, neither does the arrow bother about his direction or think in his mind will I hit the target? No, the arrow just moves in the archer’s “positioned” direction and trusts him; take it to be that God is the archer and you are the arrow, you do not need to bother about what direction he shoots you because he’s the great master planner, he said that the thoughts he has towards you are of good and not of evil to give you, YES YOU an expected end; truly I must say that he has the best design so trust his design. No artist will desire to see his masterpiece ruined, it’s his desire to see you “his masterpiece” flourish like the tree planted by the riverside. So, lean on him and trust that wherever you’ve been shot at he is there to help you navigate through all you have to do is let him in.

Here is your sanctuary, there is a stillness “here”, his anointing and miracle are “here”, all you have to do is come before his presence and lay down your heavy burden because GOD is in your “HERE”. Trust him, he is your ANCHOR.

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Life with Nike is your go-to for guidance and lifestyle tips. I understand that life can be complicated and overwhelming and strive to help bring peace and balance to your everyday. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and knowledge to deepen their walk with God, increase their self-awareness, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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