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source: Pinterest

When you see the word “Desire” a lot of things comes to your mind, talk about dreams, talk about visions, talk about wants, talk about needs, talk about plans, talk about visions, talk about YOU.

Desire as explained by our lovely favourite site (depends on if you see it that way though) is a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen… this definition uses bold words “strong feeling” I mean that is on some deep level; another definition I found is that it is a strong feeling, “worthy or unworthy”…towards the attainment of something that is within reach. It is also a craving.

I know you are familiar with the word Desire and possibly if not surely familiar with the definition of the terms but I will love you to take in the following words used in the above definition: strong feeling, worthy, unworthy, within reach.

Just keep the above words in mind, we will reflect on that later.

One of my favourite things is reading, I love reading, I enjoy reading, I can sit down with a hardcover book from morning till night time reading (so long as I am not reading for an exam) I enjoy the warmth, the peace, the feeling of knowledge and the actual knowledge gained from reading numerous books. This is one of the best feelings I could ever have, it gives me some sort of satisfaction.

Beautiful and interesting yeah but I was never always like that. Growing up, I always wanted to read for exams only, I burned up at the sight of a book, that was how intense it was. However, as time went by, I began to search for significance and satisfaction, I took interest in reading and I began to see reading from a different perspective then I watched nerds and I fell in love with nerds, Woah I wanted to be a nerd, I loved how easy knowing things, studying and diving into books was for them and at that point, I wanted to be one, I desired to be one. I felt some sort of Joy when I started reading books.

Life is a journey, which we can hardly or never nearly predict its end.

In this journey, we are struck with various coping/surviving mechanism which often leads us to the search for significance, a sense of importance and the feeling of freedom through happiness.

The Search for Significance/ the Sense of Importance

The search for significance and the sense of importance are two brothers that can never really be separated, although many will say that they don’t necessarily connote the same result however, most times the result in its similarities gives the same feeling.

There is a desire to feel significant/ important I would also term it a desire to feel seen. Whenever we feel seen, important or significant, we are pumped up with some sort of fulfilment feeling, and we feel graced. Is this a bad thing, I will say no because it is such an amazing feeling to be noticed and appreciated for all we do. This however sometimes leads us to put our heads up and out and sometimes drops us in a place where we begin to seek the approval of the public and then begin to feel like if the public does not give us the validation we seek, then we are nothing and are achieving nothing, therefore affecting our self-esteem.

The feeling of freedom through Happiness

Freedom is one strong feeling everyone in this world has pursued, for man in itself has a gift in making himself a slave and so in the process of breaking out of the shackles they locked themselves in they begin to long after and pursue freedom and in pursuing the freedom they tell themselves “once I can set myself free from this shackle, I will be a happy man” and so in pursuing freedom, man pursues happiness and in pursuit for happiness we have taken various steps and we promise ourselves that once we get something done, we will end up happy.

We sometimes give ourselves to a lot of material possession as a way to gain happiness or even hobbies; they might be healthy hobbies but the motive behind the hobby might not be a healthy one. Just like reading to find happiness; what then happens when you have exhausted the books on your shelf and you cannot purchase another one?

The Accumulation

We put in so much effort to seek and find happiness, so much effort to feel satisfied, so much effort to see that our desire is being fed and sometimes it feels like we have reached the milestone, our freedom has been restored and we are finally satisfied but then take away all that gives us this feeling, take it away after a week or two, take it away for weeks and months and then we find out that we are empty prima facie ad penitus, we find out that these things do not satisfy.


What then satisfies? I introduce to you Elohim. What should your ultimate desire and longing be placed on, I show you Elohim (the living God).

I had this poem I loved so much while I was in High school, it is titled The Pulley. This poem depicts how God showered us with loads, I mean daily loads of benefits, all that you could ask from him but the poem went on to say the Lord withheld something from us and that was his rest, so that man could always remember him. As much as that poem is regarded as a fictional representation, it speaks volumes as to how vital God is towards our balance in life.

We were made for fellowship with God, we were created to be intimate with him, checkout out the creation story and how the Lord was closely knitted with Adam, how much he felt his presence and how well they related without a barrier. That was the original design of creation, that we are one with God as children and friends.

I see how much desire we put into the satisfaction of our daily walk, I see how much we as humans can press when we desire a thing and that shows; we see it as a survival mechanism and something we need to do but can we channel our desire into something greater, can we channel our desire into someone deeper and greater. The energy we give towards our goals, can we give greater towards our walk with God?

I highlighted these words in the beginning, to speak on them later (strong feeling, worthy, unworthy, within reach). These words are screaming Desire and God.

Desire being a strong feeling sends a message of passion, you can be passionate as you walk with God, just as you are passionate about what you do. To be passionate towards your walk with God, you do not have to be perfect or in the terms above worthy, you feel not perfect or unworthy, he doesn’t mind, he says come as you are, we have all sinned and at some points in our lives, we have all made mistakes and have at one point in our lives, lifted one thing or the other higher than GOD in our lives but it is not too late to repent this is the nudge to tell you to look to the lamb, he is interested in welcoming you with open arms and you who knows him not, this is your nudge to go before him and seek to know him, all it takes is a sincere word of prayer and surrender(You can send me a message and I can lead you through it).

The Lord loves you so much to the extent of sending his son to bring us back to the original design of our relationship with him (John 3:16 pretty much says it)and this same God says he is not too far to rescue you, he is within reach; when we desire something, we do it knowing that it is within reach and never too far. God is not far, he is within reach.

When I let myself feel the love of the father, when I opened up to God's love, the Joy I felt could not in any way be compared to the one I felt each time I read books because this joy was far greater, sweeter and better.

Hunger after him, desire him and he will fill you up with his presence.

Steps to Take:

  • Go before God in prayer

  • Ask him to come into your life (if you have not given it to him)

  • And if you have, ask him to renew your spirit

  • Dig deeper into who Jesus is

  • Have a relationship with him and discover your identity in him.

NB: feel free to send a message if you want to talk.

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Tise Ibrahim
Tise Ibrahim
Mar 04, 2023

this is beautiful❤️❤️


Tumi Oluwusi
Tumi Oluwusi
Mar 04, 2023

Love this piece, it is eye-opening and draws us back to our foundation, The Father.

Thank you for this Nike.


About LWN


Life with Nike is your go-to for guidance and lifestyle tips. I understand that life can be complicated and overwhelming and strive to help bring peace and balance to your everyday. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and knowledge to deepen their walk with God, increase their self-awareness, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

The blog posts, podcasts, and social media content all focus on providing quality, actionable advice that will leave you feeling empowered, confident and more aware of your identity in Christ. Come join us on the journey to a happier, healthier life.


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