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It’s a new year (Systems & Habit)

Updated: Mar 4, 2023

Oh my… who missed me? Okay okay stop screaming, I missed me too and of course, I missed you, I missed writing to you, gosh my fingers are feeling rusty and stiff but oh well we moveeee.

How have you been? A happy new month and oh yes, it is safe to say Happy New Year, I haven’t written to you since the commencement of 2022. How has the year been so far? I know the majority made resolutions for the year, made life-changing plans and are also looking forward to seeing some level of positive result; trust me when I tell you that it is so beautiful to know that we have some sense or rather a degree/feeling of responsibility towards our life and its affairs and I must say that it is so wonderful to have that.

I however hope that we have been following up with our plans. I read a book by James Clear titled “Atomic Habits”, in that book he highlighted the fact that goals are good but our main focus should not be on the goals but on systems that would then bring about the goals. He explained that goals are the end result which springs up from the systems put in place and part of systems are built habits, as systems are the process that leads to results (goals), these systems are equivalent to habits.

When we come into a new year, the next thing that usually comes to mind is oh I have goals, I want to be this before the end of the year, I want to be that, I want to get to this particular height, I want to attain this particular level and trust me that’s a beautiful and good thing as I said earlier they are wonderful. I myself have goals, they help you to aim higher and beyond the mediocre, and they help stir up a vision towards growth and moving forward, so on this note, I would say setting goals are good, beautiful and of great importance. However, goals are just end results, the greatest wave towards intentional success and growth are systems. James Clear said goals are good for setting direction but systems are best for making progress. As much as we desire to achieve all that we plan, as much as we desire great results, our focus should be shifted to what we call systems.

Now the question is what systems did you put in place towards achieving your goals, and what changes have you made? It could be your sleeping habit, your eating habit, your thinking habit etc it could be anything; in fact, it could be the most minor thing which you don’t even pay attention to, what habits are you dropping, what systems are you planning on building into habits? What exactly have you done to see that your goals turn out as desired?

Last year, I wrote out my goals for this year but along the line, I found out that I still held some habits close and these habits are such which would prevent me from achieving a large part of my goals for the year, I tried looking out of such habits but I discovered they could not be easily ignored and so I made an intentional system to help me build a better habit, thereby suppressing the old habits, till the new ones begin to dominate thereby becoming my identity. So far so good it has been working and I have been able to gain a stable habit towards achieving my goals.

We are excited that the month of January is finally over, oh the expenses that come with the month, the longer days but in reality, just normal days of the month and many more that come with its nature of being January. However, did you end the month with built-up systems and better habits, do you have a clearer vision as to how to run this year 2022 or it is pure inshallah and vibes?

You might be wondering if is it not too late to have this advice, I put it to you that it is not, you still have a chance of putting away old habits, you can still implement systems into your daily walk, and it does not have to be a mind-blowing step; gently and softly is the trick, all it takes is being intentional, determined and having a sense of consistency; January might be over but the year 2022 is still at its peak; utilize this opportunity and build up for success and a better relationship not just with people but also with God.

On the other hand, if you’ve built up systems my question Is are you going through with it? In other words, are you consistent in seeing that your desired results are achieved? It is not necessarily a habit until it becomes a part of you, for a thing to become part of you, must have been consistent in it as it’s a product of repeated actions. So, I advise that you stay intentional, keep your head in the game and stay focused, do not give up even though it seems like it is not working, keep pressing and pushing; you will be glad you did. It is the end of January, but it is the beginning of a new month which is February, more than it being a month its also a day for you to fan yourself to flames spiritually, renew your mind with the word and also stir up your passions and be filled with knowledge that helps one prosper in all area. Go and do exploits as the father has strengthened you.

Image: Pinterest

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Life with Nike is your go-to for guidance and lifestyle tips. I understand that life can be complicated and overwhelming and strive to help bring peace and balance to your everyday. My mission is to provide my readers with the tools and knowledge to deepen their walk with God, increase their self-awareness, and lead a healthier lifestyle.

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